
Adeli Medical Center

Adeli Center is located in the west of Slovakia in the spa town of Piestany, that is located approximately 80 km from the capital Bratislava, and around 120 km from Vienna.

The only center providing neurorehabilitation to infants from 6 months of age.

A very modern center, working with the latest methods of neurorehabilitation, providing the most intensive care to children and adults alike, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy which increases the effects of rehabilitation.

Adeli Babymed

At Adeli they understand that often time is crucial, so to prevent severe health problems or even disability, they provide rehabilitation as early as from the age of six months. Through special rehabilitation utilizing the amazing plasticity of the brain at this age, a severe disability in the future can be avoided or reduced.

Intensive neurorehabilitation of Children

This program lasts either two, three or four weeks based on the diagnosis, condition and degree of disability of each patient. It takes place six days a week, four to five hours per week.

Rehabilitation for adults

As well as the children’s rehabilitation, this program lasts two to four weeks with four to five hours of rehabilitation daily, except for Sundays. It is carried out by a team of physiotherapists, manual doctors, nurses and other specialists, led by the attending physician to ensure the high quality of treatment.