Karlovy Vary

Hotel and Spa Thermal – Karlovy Vary

The city of Karlovy Vary is the largest natural healing city in the Czech Republic and is famous all over the world for its unique hot water springs, whose importance has not changed even in the era of great medicine. The city of Karlovy Vary is one of the most famous cities of recreation and relaxation in the Czech Republic and famous throughout the world for its hot , mineral water springs.

The history of physiotherapy in Karlovy Vary dates back more than 600 years and has a beautiful location in the Tepla valley and its unforgettable environment.

Karlovy Vary is located in the north-west of the Czech Republic, 122 km from the capital, Prague. It was built by King Charles. It was named after the Czech king and Roman Kaiser Carl IV, who founded the city in 1370.

The Thermal Hotel & Spa was built in 1977. It is a 4 star hotel with 273 rooms and apartments. The hotel has a full spa, conference room and meeting rooms.

mineral water

Mineral water in Karlovy Vary is hot water containing carbon, sulfur and sodium chloride and its salts are medium.

Effect of mineral water in Karlovy Vary:

  • Effect on bile secretion
  • Effect on gastrointestinal secretion
  • Effect on pancreatic secretion
  • Influence on gastrointestinal activity in the duodenum
  • Reduce blood sugar and urea
  • Improve acid balance (simple triglyceride)
  • Reduce the proportion of uric acid in the blood
  • diuretic
  • Reduce cholesterol and other blood fats


Diseases treated in Thermal:

  1. Diseases of the digestive system
  • Chronic digestive problems in the stomach
  • Ulcers in the stomach, duodenum and postoperative cases of stomach, duodenum and esophagus
  • Functional disorders in the intestine, especially chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Chronic bowel infections (Morbus Crohn, Proctocolitis chronica
  • Postoperative conditions in the large intestine
  • Gallbladder disease, bile ducts, gallstones, biliary indigestion and postoperative cases of gallbladder and bile ducts
  • Cases after acute hepatitis of any kind, chronic liver infections, liver fat and cirrhosis of the liver
  • Pancreatic diseases and cases after acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis and postoperative conditions in pancreatic surgery and transplantation


  1. Diseases of metabolic disorders
  • Obesity
  • Type I diabetes, including the complexity of diabetes
  • fatty metabolism disorders (dyslipidemia)
  • uric acid representation disorders (gout condition)


  1. Diseases of the motor system
  • Chronic spine pain for functional and degenerative causes and postoperative cases in the spine
  • Joint pain, arthritis, metabolic disorders of the joints (gouty arthritis), post-traumatic events or joint operations, and complete joint replacement


Water treatment:

Bath with hot spring water

The bath has hot water springs that range from 37 ° C to 40 ° C. We benefit from the warm bath effect and the mineral material contained in the spring water absorbed by the skin. Especially affects the circulatory system and intestines and calm in general

Carbonic bath

Baths with hot water springs that range from 33 to 35 degrees Celsius, which contain industrial carbon dioxide, which improves local and systemic blood flow, lowers blood pressure and leads to psychological comfort. After the bath the compresses are applied for 10 minutes. Repeating the bath has a positive effect on improving blood circulation

Bathroom “Calmonal”

Affects positively the musculoskeletal system, relieves muscle tension and affects pain. After iodine and therapeutic mud, the compresses are applied for 7 minutes. This bath is especially useful for treating cases after accidents or surgeries or for treating degenerative changes in the spine and joints. It also relaxes and affects mental fatigue

Scotch hose

Is an alternative application of warm water and cold water sprayed to the whole body. It stimulates heart action and improves metabolism. The contrast bath is suitable for the treatment of obesity and sensory and hormonal functional disorders and leads to improved immunity including psychological immunity.

Water vortex for the whole body

The bath is in warm mineral water where the whole body is massaged through the nozzles inside the bathtub. The bath has a special effect to relax. It is suitable for circulatory disorders and pain relief for those with spinal or joint problems and relaxation.

Water vortex for legs

It is an underwater massage through the small nozzles located inside the bathtub with the seat. This treatment helps in blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues in which the massage is performed. It is suitable for people with circulatory disorders, leg joints, and heavy legs.

Underwater massage

A comfortable treatment connects the effect of a warm bath with massage and active and passive movement in water. Massage by pushing the water into the full water bath. It is applied manually or by machine. Relieves muscle tension and strengthens massage effect.

Bath with therapeutic mud

In warm water with temperatures ranging from 38 ° C to 40 ° C we take advantage of the warm water effect and the mineral material contained in spring water as well as therapeutic mud. The body is heated gradually and evenly, leading to muscle tension, improved blood circulation and tissue regeneration. It is especially suitable for people suffering from rheumatic diseases and degenerative changes in the spine, joints and skin diseases such as psoriasis, acne and chronic eczema or in a preventive manner to improve body immunity. The shower is used after bath and then compresses for 10 minutes.

Whirlpool “Hydroxer”

Great bath in multi-function bathtub for the most demanding customers. Massive underwater massage with small nozzles inside the tub. It is possible for the client to adjust the water pressure himself in places where massage is required. The massage is attached to the small nozzles


Reflex massage

A very specialized massage is applied in place of degenerative changes. It is done by a qualified worker. By pressure and special techniques are activated places that relieve cramping. And affects changes resulting from diseases. It is applied in case of reversing  problems in the skin and muscles.

Anti-Cellulite Massage

Is a manual massage of the abdomen and thighs using the natural ingredients of the multi-component of the company “Rubios” Italian. The massage helps to oxidize the tissues, removes excess water from the body, restores the skin, softens the skin, removes cellulite, slimming and restoring a good body shape.

Normal massage

We perform partial massage – for neck, shoulders, back or full massage – for the spine, arms and legs. It is a hand massage using cream or oil. Helps in metabolism and blood circulation in the tissues where the massage is performed. It helps in the treatment of tumors, water bags and tumors, affects the muscles and can break the calcified tissue. And finally leads to calm and relaxed patient.


Physiotherapy treatment:

Individual exercises

It is recommended in cases of disorders of musculoskeletal system and when problems in motion occur after injury … etc. The client learns the exercises under the supervision of the physiotherapist first and the exercises are focused on the injured place. It is important that the client keeps the exercises in a good manner so that they can continue in his home.

Group exercises

Groups are small (10 people at maximum) and according to doctor’s prescription, exercises are performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist.

Walking with sticks (NORDIC WALKING)

It is walking with sticks and improves the proper stature of the body and fitness.

Exercises in the swimming pool

This method of physiotherapy benefits from hot exercises and hot springs together. The exercises benefit from fluid, heat, water resistance and buoyancy, which make exercise in water easier than outside the water. Fits diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cases after surgery or injuries.


Laser and scanner

Two devices produce the light beam along the length of the microwave. Laser is used for treatment whenever we want to accelerate treatment or remove infections or in cases of chronic or recurrent pain.


Is an electrotherapy device suitable for the treatment of chronic spine and joint diseases and cases after accidents or spinal and joint operations.

Magnet therapy

The low frequency magnetic field is used. It affects pain relief and inflammation and accelerates treatment. It is applied successfully in patients with  joints replacements.

Other therapeutic methods:

Medical clay compresses

Apply a layer of therapeutic mud and have a special heated layer. The required heating is gradually carried out within 2 or 3 minutes (3). The patient is lying wrapped in the compresses and the affected area is heated and the therapeutic material leaks from the clay. It is used for chronic diseases of the  musculoskeletal system and for some diseases of the digestive system.

Paraffin – gloves

The dissolved paraffin is applied to the hands by immersing them in a special basin. Paraffin is quickly frozen. Hands wrapped in a plastic bag and two special gloves that keep the heat warm during the whole process. It affects the joints of the small hand in the case of chronic and degenerative diseases and softens the skin in the hand.


Inhalation of minerals in the air through the nose or mouth. Usually we use mineral water “Vincentka”. It improves mucosal action in the respiratory tract, affects inflammation, dissolves sputum and makes it easier to remove.

Obesity Treatment Program

The solution to the problem of obesity is to affect people who suffer from obesity to reduce their weight as well as to prevent the number of people suffering from obesity. People should eat a variety of meals full of vegetables and fruits. Especially important are good sources of proteins, such as fish, poultry meat, legumes and grains. It is better for good nutrition to replace animal fats with vegetable oils and fats and reduce the amount of red meat. A person should pay particular attention to the daily diet and eat 5 to 6 times a day, eat enough and not eat more and drink enough fluids during the day. To maintain the right weight, it is necessary to eat good food in good quantities as well as physical exercise is sufficient.